The application is provided free of charge and does not contain advertisements. It requires no permissions and collects no data.
Salary calculator is an application for calculating net and gross salary. It takes into account tax discounts and levy rates applicable in the Czech Republic.
After entering the amount, the result of the net salary will be displayed on the next screen on the right, and at the same time, the gross salary from the same amount will be displayed on the screen on the left.
Switch between input and results by selecting a bookmark or dragging your finger.
Other controls on the home screen are:
✓ Menu (top left)
✓ Button for deleting the entered amount (top right)
✓ Button to insert whole thousands (top right)
✓ Active headings ("Total amount" or "Calculation")
✓ Floating button to access settings
The application calculates:
✓ Salary for the main employment relationship (HPP)
✓ Remuneration for the "brigade" - work based on a work performance agreement (DPP)
In the "Brigade" section, it is possible to enter either the total amount or the data for its calculation: hourly wage and number of hours. A simple calculator then calculates the total amount.
The application allows you to set:
✓ Taxpayer discount (signed tax declaration)
✓ Student discount
✓ Discount for ZTP/P card holders
✓ Discount for the disabled
✓ Discount for supported children (even with ZTP/P card)
✓ Company car for private use (+ car price including VAT)
The calculation of the net or gross salary is indicative and may be affected by other factors, payroll deductions and deductions from the salary. For example: the discount for a spouse without income is only deducted in the annual statement, etc.
Android 8.0+